Hidden on this website lurks a Meet Me in Another Life short story.
The story will make no sense if you have not read the book. Furthermore, it is composed almost entirely of spoilers. So, if you haven't yet read the book, I suggest you read the first chapter and then, if you like it, get yourself a copy and read the rest before coming back.
If you have read the book, and you're sure you want to read more (it's fine if you'd rather let the book stand by itself!), then you are in luck: I have used my mad JavaScript skillz to prepare for you a short treasure hunt.
Read the question below and click the place on the map that corresponds to the correct answer. There are 5 questions, in escalating order of need-to-have-read-the-whole-book-to-get-it-right. Can you answer them all before reality crumbles around you?
In the book, where do Thora and Santi meet for the first time?